Meet our Team ~ We are women who love to explore craft beer~
Co-Founder, Michelle
I'm just a regular person... who likes to drink good beer.
Co-Founder, Betsy
I love to hike, read good books, and drink craft beer.
Business Manager, Tracy
I'm into gardening, organizing, making new connections, and I'm excited to learn about beer.
Barley's Angels GR is a group of women who are craft beer enthusiasts in the West Michigan area. We are a part of a growing collection of individual chapters around the world that work with craft beer focused breweries, brewpubs, restaurants, alehouses and other public beer establishments to advance the female craft beer consumer, resulting in increased patronage and revenue from women, while encouraging education and interest in beer among this often under-recognized demographic group.
Barley's Angels is an international network of chapters by and for women exploring beer. Barley's Angels chapters around the world expand the appreciation and understanding of craft beer among women through events with craft beer professionals. Chapter events are places to discover how to cook with beer, tricks to pairing beer with food, what makes the beer you like taste just right, how to buy the right beer, etc.